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Inference on image dataset without annotations in detectron2


  • I have a detectron2 Mask R-CNN baseline model that is good enough to predict some object boundaries accurately.
  • I'd like to convert these predicted boundaries to COCO polygons to annotate the next dataset (supervised labeling).
  • To do this, I need to run inference on an image dataset that does not have annotations.
  • The detectron2 methods register_coco_instances and load_coco_json require images with annotations to properly label the predicted objects.


  • Can I register the test dataset without an annotations file?
  • If not, what's the easiest way to generate COCO or Labelme JSON files with basic image info without annotations?


dataset_name = "test_data"
image_dir = "data/test"
coco_file = "data/test_annotations.json"

# Register dataset
# A COCO file is needed with image info, which I don't have
register_coco_instances(dataset_name , {}, coco_file, image_dir)
test_dict = load_coco_json(coco_file, image_dir, dataset_name=dataset_name )
metadata = MetadataCatalog.get(dataset_name)

# config details omitted for brevity
cfg = get_cfg()
predictor = DefaultPredictor(cfg)

# Make predictions for all images
for sample in test_dict:
    image_filename = sample["file_name"]
    img = cv2.imread(image_filename)
    outputs = predictor(img)
    # Display or save image with predictions to file


  • Here's a method to generate the image details from a directory of images and write it to an existing COCO JSON file:

    from PIL import Image
    def add_images_to_coco(image_dir, coco_filename):
        image_filenames = list(Path(image_dir).glob('*.jpg'))
        images = []
        for i, image_filename in enumerate(image_filenames):
            im =
            width, height = im.size
            image_details = {
                "id": id + 1,
                "height": height,
                "width": width,
                "file_name": str(image_filename.resolve()),
        # This will overwrite the image tags in the COCO JSON file
        with open(coco_filename) as f:
            data = json.load(f)
        coco['images'] = images
        with open(coco_filename, 'w') as coco_file:
            json.dump(data, coco_file, indent = 4)

    You'll need to create a baseline COCO JSON file with your categories if you don't already have one. It should look something like this:

        "images": [ ],
        "annotations": [ ],
        "categories": [
                "id": 1,
                "name": "Car",
                "supercategory": "Car"
                "id": 2,
                "name": "Person",
                "supercategory": "Person"