I would like to ask if it is possible to pass parameters (for example: fieldA and fieldB value) from Database1 using an agent, and triggering Database2-agent to accept the parameter being passed?
Not sure if it's possible. Thank you!
There is a -partly undocumented- function to pass a complete in- memory document to an agent without saving it. Like that you can pass anything from one agent to another. But it only works if one agent calls the other:
Dim ses as New NotesSession
Dim db2 as NotesDatabase
Dim agent2 as NotesAgent
Dim docTemp as NotesDocument
Set db2 = New NotesDatabase( "Server", "db2Path.nsf" )
Set agent2 = db2.GetAgent( "NameOfAgent2" )
Set docTemp = New NotesDocument( db2 )
docTemp.Parameter1 = "Some string"
docTemp.Parameter2 = "Another String"
docTemp.AnyNameYouWant = 3
Call agent2.runWithDocumentContext( docTemp )
Then in the agent two you access the document like:
Dim ses as New NotesSession
Dim docTemp as NotesDocument
Set docTemp = ses.DocumentContext
param1 = docTemp.Parameter1
param2 = docTemp.Parameter2
numParam1 = docTemp.AnyNameYouWant