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Chrome ignoring CSP (Content Security Policy) affecting Browser Link on ASP.NET application using .NET Core

I am trying to get the browser link to work on a .net core application. Although I am setting the CSP properly (at least I think I am), Chrome seems to be using a default. Here is what I see in the console:

console errors

This is what I have in the shared layout used by all views:

code defining CSP

This is the source rendered on the browser (Chrome) when pressing Ctrl+U:

this the CSP meta tag in the head tag

The part that is confusing is that the error messages in the console are saying that the default-src is set to 'self' which is clearly not the case; I am specifying default-src https://localhost:*;

Am I missing something here or is this a google Chrome issue? Maybe is a setting I am not aware of, but I've scoured the web and have not found a solution for this issue.


  • The part that is confusing is that the error messages in the console are saying that the default-src is set to 'self' which is clearly not the case; I am specifying default-src https://localhost:*;

    That's because your app publishes CSP via HTTP header (you can see it).

    So you have 2 CSPs delivered: one via meta tag and second - via HTTP header. In this case both are applied consequentially and a strictest one does block.

    Check web.config file for lines like:

    <add name="Content-Security-Policy" value="default-src 'self'" />
    <content-Security-Policy enabled="true">

    Also check the NWebsec NuGet package settings - it can publish CSP header via web.config file, via middleware or via MVC attributes:

    • NWebsec.AspNetCore.Mvc package provides configure CSP via MVC attributes.
    • NWebsec.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers package includes Tag helpers to manage the script and style 'nonces'.
    • NWebsec.AspNetCore.Middleware package includes OWIN CSP middleware.

    You have to use meta tag or HTTP header to publish Content Security Policy, but not both at the same time.