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Group by and Sum of One-To-Many relation tables in Eloquent

I have a requirement. My DB has tables like the following. The tables have OneToMany (1-n) parent-child relation.

Table School (id, school_name)

Table Class (id, school_id, class_name)

Table Section (id, class_id, section_name, no_of_seats)

Table Student (id, section_id, student_name, ....)

When Some Student is registered, data is uploaded to the Student table. Now, I want to have a statistic like

| school_name | total_seats | student_registered |

and for a particular school

| class_name | total_seats | student_registered |

How to achieve this in Laravel/Eloquent

Thanks in Advance


  • Probably it works with:

    • Counting/Summarizing HasMany relations
    • Counting/Summarizing HasManyThrough relations
    • Counting/Summarizing HasManyDeep relations


    class Section extends Model
        public function students(): HasMany
            return $this->hasMany(Student::class);
        public function scopeWithRegisteredStudents(Builder $query): Builder
            // Count HasMany relation
            return $query->withCount('students as students_registered');
    // The word "Class" is reserved, so we need to use "SchoolClass" instead
    class SchoolClass extends Model
        protected $table = 'classes';
        public function sections(): HasMany
            return $this->hasMany(Section::class, 'class_id');
        public function students(): HasManyThrough
            return $this->hasManyThrough(Student::class, Section::class, 'class_id');
        public function scopeWithTotalSeats(Builder $query): Builder
            // Summarize field from HasMany relation
            return $query->withSum('sections as total_seats', 'no_of_seat');
        public function scopeWithRegisteredStudents(Builder $query): Builder
            // Count HasManyThrough relation
            return $query->withCount('students as students_registered');
    class School extends Model
        public function classes(): HasMany
            return $this->hasMany(SchoolClass::class);
        public function sections(): HasMany
            return $this->hasManyThrough(Section::class, SchoolClass::class, null, 'class_id');
        public function students(): HasManyThrough
            return $this->hasManyDeep(Student::class, [SchoolClass::class, Section::class], ['school_id', 'class_id', 'section_id'], ['id', 'id', 'id']);
        public function scopeWithTotalSeats(Builder $query): Builder
            // Summarize field from HasManyThrough relation
            return $query->withSum('sections as total_seats', 'no_of_seat');
        public function scopeWithRegisteredStudents(Builder $query): Builder
            // Count HasManyDeep relation
            return $query->withCount('students as students_registered');


    // Fetching simply
    // Fetching with nested relations
        ->with(['classes' => function (HasMany $query) {
            return $query

    If you use a static analyzer like PHPStan or Psalm, you can alternatively use scopes method to prevent errors.

        ->scopes(['withTotalSeats', 'withRegisteredStudents'])