I have a Gebruikers model (Dutch for users) and a Ateliers model (Dutch for workshop). There is a many to many relationship between them.
When saving a new Gebruiker you can check the Ateliers the gebruiker is attending.
In the Livewire 'controller':
public $selectedAtelier = [];
public $gebruiker;
public function saveGebruiker(){
$nieuwegebruiker = Gebruiker::create([
'first' => $this->gebruiker['first'],
'last' => $this->gebruiker['last'],
In the component:
<input type="text" wire:model="gebruiker.first">
<input type="text" wire:model="gebruiker.last">
@foreach ($ateliers as $atelier)
<input wire:model="selectedAtelier" value="{{ $atelier->id }}"
id="{{ $atelier->id }}"><label>{{$atelier-name}}</label>
This works fine. the gebruiker is saved in the Gebruiker table and the ateliers are saved in the pivot table.
When editing the specific gebruiker, how can I make the checkboxes for the ateliers that are saved in the pivot table checked?
I'll try to reproduce some of the logic you need based in the code you share here
// in component
public function someLoadMethodOnEdit()
$this->selectedAtelier = $this->gebruiker->ateliers()->pluck('id')->map(
function($group) {
return strval($group);
// in blade
@foreach ($ateliers as $atelier)
<input wire:model="selectedAtelier" value="{{ $atelier->id }}"
type="checkbox" @if(in_array($atelier->id,$selectedAtelier)) checked @endif
id="{{ $atelier->id }}" wire:key="aterlier-checkbox-{{ $atelier->id }}"><label>{{$atelier-name}}</label>