I have this dataframe:
And I should split the rows of the ''Time.s'' column into intervals, calculate the average of each interval, and finally the deviation of each average.
I can't split the lines that have Volt.mv > 0.95 into a group for each second. I tried with GroupBy, but it creates problems with the second table:
I used this code, calculating the average directly, but I certainly did something wrong:
ecg.groupby("Time.s").apply(lambda x: x["Volt.mv"].mean())
Can anyone help me?
Before doing the groupby, you need to map Time.s
to an interval. Otherwise each group will have only a single row (most of the time).
Here is how to group into intervals of 0.1 seconds and compute the mean and standard deviation for each interval:
interval_length = 0.1
df_aggregated = (
.agg(volt_mean=("Volt.mv", "mean"), volt_std=("Volt.mv", "std"))