In iOS 14 I've following code which prefills all textfields from the coredata model
struct EditSimpleSearchView: View {
private var viewContext
private var item: FetchedResults<SavedSearchItemEntity>.Element
@State var includeWords: String = ""
init(item: FetchedResults<SavedSearchItemEntity>.Element) {
self.item = item
var body: some View {
VStack {
Form {
TextField.init("Include all words", text:
}.onAppear {
includeWords = item.includeWords //load from coredata in onAppear
As soon as I run the code, the value of includeWords appears in the textfield which is in the form.
As soon as I've updated to Xcode 13 and running on iOS 15, the value of includeWords in the textfield appears only when I input the cursor in the textfield atleast once
So far this is what I've debugged
I am currently out of ideas, any help is appreciated. I am open to suggestions incase if prefill shouldn't be configured differently.
Try this:
init(item: FetchedResults<SavedSearchItemEntity>.Element) {
self.item = item
self._includeWords = State(initialValue: item.includeWords) //