Hi Every Mind I have this problem
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
import { PrintingTypesService } from 'src/app/settings/services/printing-types/printing-types.service';
import { PrintingTypesModel } from 'src/app/settings/share/printing-types.model';
name: 'printingTypesPipe',
export class PrintingTypesPipePipe implements PipeTransform {
public printingTypesData: PrintingTypesModel[] = [];
name: any;
constructor(private printingTypesService: PrintingTypesService) {}
transform(value: string): any {
this.printingTypesService.fetchPrintingTypes().subscribe((data) => {
this.printingTypesData = data;
const noon = this.printingTypesData.find((o: any) => {
return Number(o.printing_type_id) === Number(value);
this.name = '';
this.name = noon!.name_e;
return this.name;
When I console log this.name it give me string but this string did not appear in browser!!
I Tried but I did not find the main problem? Thanks A lot for your Help :)
change your transform function to return observable like this
transform(value: string): any {
return this.printingTypesService.fetchPrintingTypes().pipe(map(data) => {
this.printingTypesData = data;
const noon = this.printingTypesData.find((o: any) => {
return Number(o.printing_type_id) === Number(value);
return noon!.name_e;
and in your template use async pipe after printingTypesPipe pipe.for example
{{ 'test' | printingTypesPipe | async }}