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Comparing values among rows and then deleting the duplicate values in SAS

I have a dataset which has certain variables , now I have to compare those variables among rows to find the  duplicate , but it has few extra asks .

  • if for the same acct_num and test_id 

         - if  final_amt matches the final_amt from next row and final_amt_added matches final_amt_added from next row we have to consider them as duplicate and delete only the case where the tran_date is blank.

          - Also if we are deleting the duplicate row with the blank tran_date , the actual_amt data from that row should be retained as a new variable act_amt_extra in the undeleted row.

I have tried multiple scenarios using lag and retain but the data is just not coming correctly, any help will be appreciated.

DATA work.sample;
INPUT acct_num test_id tran_date:anydtdte. actual_amt final_amt final_amt_added ;
format tran_date date9.;
55203610 2542 12-jan-20 30 45 45
16124130 8062 .         56 78 78 
16124130 8062 14-dec-19 8  78 78
80479512 2062 19-mar-19 32 32 32
70321918 2062 20-dec-19 1  93 54
17312410 6712 .         45 90 90
17312410 6712 15-jun-18 0  90 90
74623123 2092 17-aug-18 34 87 87
24245321 2082 22-jan-17 22 56 67

data that I want

data want;
input acct_num test_id tran_date:anydtdte. actual_amt final_amt final_amt_added act_amt_extra;
format tran_date date9.;
55203610 2542 12-jan-20 30 45 45
16124130 8062 14-dec-19 8  78 78 56
80479512 2062 19-mar-19 32 32 32
70321918 2062 20-dec-19 1  93 54
17312410 6712 15-jun-18 0  90 90 45
74623123 2092 17-aug-18 34 87 87
24245321 2082 22-jan-17 22 56 67


  • This may not be the most elegant way of handling it, but it will work so long as you only have a single duplicate as shown in your example.

    The data we are most interested in is when the date is not missing. First, sort your data by acct_num test_id and descending tran_date:

    proc sort data=sample;
        by acct_num test_id descending tran_date;

    This ensures that the data we care about is first:

    acct_num    test_id tran_date   actual_amt  final_amt   final_amt_added
    16124130    8062    14DEC2019   8           78          78
    16124130    8062    .           56          78          78

    We want to output only at the last combination of acct_num test_id. When there are duplicates, we want to pull forward the following values:

    • tran_date
    • actual_amt

    Note that when there are duplicates and we want to pull values forward, we know the following:

    • last.test_id is true
    • first.test_id is false
    • tran_date is missing
    • final_amt matches the prior row's value
    • final_amt_added matches the prior row's value

    When that case occurs, we'll run our logic. Otherwise, we'll leave the row as-is and output.

    data want;
        set sample;
        by acct_num test_id descending tran_date;
        /* Store prior values */
        lag_actual_amt      = lag(actual_amt);
        lag_final_amt_added = lag(final_amt_added);
        lag_final_amt       = lag(final_amt);
        lag_tran_date       = lag(tran_date);
        /* Bring forward data if conditions are met */
        if( missing(tran_date)
            AND last.test_id 
            AND NOT first.test_id
            AND final_amt       = lag_final_amt
            AND final_amt_added = lag_final_amt_added
        then do;
            act_amt_extra = actual_amt;
            /* Bring forward the prior values */
            tran_date     = lag_tran_date;
            actual_amt    = lag_actual_amt;
        /* Only output for the last combination of acct_num, test_id */
        drop lag:;