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Collecting logs with fluentbit to loki - Indexing custom labels

I wanted to check the following with you:

I have this kind of YAML manifest, it is a pod that is triggered when events on my app take place:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  creationTimestamp: "2021-11-10T12:13:46Z"
  generateName: job-1bb229b1-aa15-4349-b676-ad9cf840b44a-
    app: CalculationPod
    calculationId: "1467"
    controller-uid: 75d707d6-aab6-446d-9726-7ffafde29191
    job-name: job-1bb229b1-aa15-4349-b676-ad9cf840b44a
  name: job-1bb229b1-aa15-4349-b676-ad9cf840b44a-h4pj

I am using fluent-bit (from Loki stack) to collect logs in my k8s cluster. Actually, I want to index the calculationId: "1467" label I have in the pod, to make it appear in grafana-Loki such as app: CalculationPod is right now in the picture:

enter image description here

So this is my output Loki plugin configuration on fluetbit configmap side:

I am trying to get the value of calculationId label and pass it as a parameter to the set of labels at Labels parameter in this way:

        Name grafana-loki
        Match *
        Url http://loki:3100/loki/api/v1/push
        TenantID ""
        BatchWait 1
        BatchSize 1048576
        Labels {job="fluent-bit",calculationId="$calculationId"} # SEE HERE
        RemoveKeys kubernetes,stream
        AutoKubernetesLabels false
        LabelMapPath /fluent-bit/etc/labelmap.json
        LineFormat json
        LogLevel warn

But I couldn’t see nothing has changed in my Loki UI. I am not sure if that is the correct way to add new labels to be indexed I am checking this

Any help will be so appreciated.


  • I managed to get the calculationId label and its value by adding it to the kubernetes labels JSON information is being referenced and that the kubernetes filter call. You can see more about this here

    So the entire configmap/loki-fluent-bit-loki configuration file is this:

    apiVersion: v1
      fluent-bit.conf: |-
            HTTP_Server    On
            HTTP_PORT      2020
            Flush          1
            Daemon         Off
            Log_Level      warn
            Parsers_File   parsers.conf
            Name           tail
            Tag            kube.*
            Path           /var/log/containers/*.log
            Parser         docker
            DB             /run/fluent-bit/flb_kube.db
            Mem_Buf_Limit  1000MB
            Name           kubernetes
            Match          kube.*
            Kube_URL       https://kubernetes.default.svc:443
            Merge_Log On
            K8S-Logging.Exclude Off
            K8S-Logging.Parser Off
            Name grafana-loki
            Match *
            Url http://loki:3100/loki/api/v1/push
            TenantID ""
            BatchWait 1
            BatchSize 1048576
            Labels {job="fluent-bit"}
            RemoveKeys kubernetes,stream
            AutoKubernetesLabels false
            LabelMapPath /fluent-bit/etc/labelmap.json
            LineFormat json
            LogLevel warn
      labelmap.json: |-
          "kubernetes": {
            "container_name": "container",
            "host": "node",
            "labels": {
              "app": "app",
              "release": "release",
              "calculationId": "calculationId" # IT WAS ADDED HERE
           "namespace_name": "namespace",
           "pod_name": "instance"
          "stream": "stream"
      parsers.conf: |-
            Name        docker
            Format      json
            Time_Key    time
            Time_Format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L 
    kind: ConfigMap
      annotations: loki monitoring
      creationTimestamp: "2021-10-26T10:23:32Z"
        app: fluent-bit-loki Helm
        chart: fluent-bit-2.3.0
        heritage: Helm
        release: loki
      name: loki-fluent-bit-loki
      namespace: monitoring  

    Then I got now the calculationId label indexed:

    enter image description here

    I didn't try, but according to the way the loki fluentbit output plugin works, the LabelKeys parameter also allow me to add a custom label like my calculationId and get it to use it to get its log streams

    The grafana loki documentation says:

    LabelKeys: Comma separated list of keys to use as stream labels. All other keys will be placed into the log line. LabelKeys is deactivated when using LabelMapPath label mapping configuration.

    So According to this, LabelKeys should works as well, and then if I use it I wouldn't need to use the LabelMapPath parameter to reference in json the desired labels.


    I am using here the fluent-bit collector agent that comes with the loki stack, it means this installation approach. Is opportune to highlight this is not the official fluent-bit collector, the official one is this. Right now there is a request to deprecate the fluent-bit grafana loki stack in favor of the official one, so will be opportune to highlight this, and think about to use the official one.