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How to tell spring boot which property files to load according to the server?

I have this scenario where I need to load properties file according to the server name.

I have resource in this structure.

I have 2 different servers. let say SERV-A and SERV-B and each of these servers have their sperate e1, e2 servers. eg.. SERV-A-e1, SERV-A-e2, SERV-B-e1, SERV-B-e2. The code base is same.

resource - |
           |-SERV-A - |

           |-SERV-B - |

So I want that when I deploy my application on server SERV-A it should read and files from resource/SERV-A and when I deploy it on server SERV-B then it should read from resource/SERV-A


  • Thanks @Anton Belev.

    I was able to resolve this situation. I recreated my resource structure.

    resource - |

    So now when I want to deploy on SERVER-A. I can simply give a simple java command and have it running with correct sets of properties.

    java -jar /path/to/jar/NameOFYourJar.jar &