I'm using terraform with the libvirt provider and generate 4 guests (index: 0,1,2,3) using this snippet:
resource "libvirt_domain" "worker" {
count = var.worker["count"]
name = "${var.cluster_id}-worker-${count.index}"
memory = var.worker.memory
vcpu = var.worker.vcpu
coreos_ignition = libvirt_ignition.worker[count.index].id
disk {
volume_id = libvirt_volume.worker[count.index].id
console {
type = "pty"
target_port = 0
cpu = {
mode = var.cpu_mode
network_interface {
network_id = var.network_id
hostname = "worker-${count.index}.${var.cluster_id}.${var.cluster_domain}"
mac = var.worker_macs[count.index]
Now I want to add a conditional statement, that the first two workers get GPUs assigned. So in python pseudo code sth. like
if ${count.index} == 0:
# Add GPU 0 to worker ${count.index} (--> worker0)
elif ${count.index} == 1:
# Add GPU 1 to worker ${count.index} (--> worker1)
# Don't assign a GPU to a worker
From the libvirt provider documentation I saw that I have to use XML and xslt which I already checked with a simpler script and that works.
Now I tried it in this more complex setup with conditional statements as well as dynamic blocks but I cannot get it working. Currently it looks like this:
resource "libvirt_domain" "worker" {
count = var.worker["count"]
name = "${var.cluster_id}-worker-${count.index}"
memory = var.worker.memory
vcpu = var.worker.vcpu
coreos_ignition = libvirt_ignition.worker[count.index].id
disk {
volume_id = libvirt_volume.worker[count.index].id
console {
type = "pty"
target_port = 0
cpu = {
mode = var.cpu_mode
network_interface {
network_id = var.network_id
hostname = "worker-${count.index}.${var.cluster_id}.${var.cluster_domain}"
mac = var.worker_macs[count.index]
dynamic "xml" {
for_each = var.worker
content {
xslt = file("add_gpu_w${count.index}.xsl")
I feel like dynamic blocks might be the wrong approach because it is looping through all workers, but I also didn't get it working with the conditional statement appraoch.
Any help is appreciated - thanks!
This is certainly an interesting case, and yes I think the the dynamic block can do what you need we just need a condition there, something like:
dynamic "xml" {
for_each = count.index < 2 ? ["1"]: []
content {
xslt = file("add_gpu_w${count.index}.xsl")
The key on that code is:
count.index < 2 ? ["1"]: []
Just a condition on the index, for 0 and 1 we give an array with one element inside, everything else gets an empty array, that should bypass the assignment of the GPU.