I'm new to logstash configuration and i try to add a condition on the truncate plugin.
My goal is to use this plugin only if my message length is greater than n byte and then add a tag.
Why using a condition ? Because the plugin add the tag even if the message is not truncated.
here my conf :
truncate {
fields => "message"
length_bytes => 2000
add_tag => [ "truncated_msg" ]
I tryed differents conditions like these :
if event['message'].length > 2000 {
truncate {
fields => "message"
length_bytes => 2000
add_tag => [ "truncated_msg" ]
if field['message'].length > 2000 {
truncate {
fields => "message"
length_bytes => 2000
add_tag => [ "truncated_msg" ]
but they get me error while lunching logstash.
So if anybody have a solution to how i can condition the trucate i'll be very gratefull.
thanks to baudsp answer, the conditional work. here a quick snippet from the corrected conf :
if [message] =~ /.{4000,}/ {
truncate {
fields => "message"
length_bytes => 4000
add_tag => [ "truncated_msg" ]