I would like to create a class decorator to pre-define some attributes and methods to decorated class. At the same time, I would like that this decorated class be decorated with @dataclass
To make things even easier for the user, I would like the user to have only to use my decorator so that his/her class is decorated with @dataclass
So here is what I have come up with to decorate a class, so that the decorated class has a new attribute id_
. I am submitting this code to know if the nesting of decoartor is 'acceptable'?
Basically, I am not so sure about calling a decorator like a function (while it is a function), so I wonder if there could be side effects?
from dataclasses import dataclass
# My library: complexitiy is allowed.
def indexer(orig_class):
orig_class = dataclass(orig_class)
# Copy of original __init__ to call it without recursion.
orig_init = orig_class.__init__
id_ = 10
def __init__(self,*args, **kws):
self.id_ = id_
orig_init(self, *args, **kws) # Call the original __init__
orig_class.__init__ = __init__ # Set the class' __init__ to the new one
return orig_class
# User environment: importing @indexer decorator: ease of use is targeted.
# Expected behavior is that @indexer provides same functions as @dataclass.
class Truc:
mu : int
# Test
test = Truc(3)
Out[37]: 3
Out[38]: 10
As a sidenote, I don't know if decorator is better than class inheritance here, when it comes to adding attributes and methods? Thanks for the advices! Bests,
To whom may read till here, and wonder about use between decorator and inheritance.
Going farther in the implementation, I finally stick with decorator as it seems to me it provides a more flexible way of tweaking what would have been a child class if had retained inheritance.
With inheritance, I don't see how the parent class has any control on child attributes (to make them frozen for instance) while leaving complete freedom on how naming/defining these attributes.
But this is actually an important property I am looking for with dataclass.
So, current status is reviewable with below @indexer
It leaves freedom to the user to create a 'data class' with the number of parameters he/she wants, naming them as he/she wants.
But it makes possible
)It fulfills my requirements (I can use the objects created from decorated class) as keys for a dict or sorted dict.
In case it can help, here it is.
PS: if you have any advises or better practices, I welcome them.
from dataclasses import dataclass, asdict
# for optional arguments in decorator: https://stackoverflow.com/a/24617244/4442753
def indexer(index_class=None, *, fields_sep:str='.'):
def _tweak(index_class):
# Wrap with `@dataclass`.
index_class = dataclass(index_class, order= True, frozen=True)
# Copy of original __init__ to call it without recursion.
index_class_init = index_class.__init__
def __init__(self,*args, **kws):
object.__setattr__(self, "_fields_sep", fields_sep)
index_class_init(self, *args, **kws)
index_class.__init__ = __init__
def _to_str(self):
return self._fields_sep.join(map(str, asdict(self).values()))
index_class._to_str = property(_to_str)
return index_class
if index_class:
# Calling decorator without other parameters.
return _tweak(index_class)
# Calling decorator with other parameters.
return _tweak
# Test without parameter.
class Test:
mu : int
nu : str
test = Test(3, 'oh')
assert test._to_str == '3.oh'
# Test with 'fields_sep' parameter.
class Test:
mu : int
nu : str
test = Test(3, 'oh')
assert test._to_str == '3-oh'
# Test (un)equality.
class Test:
mu : int
nu : str
test1 = Test(3, 'oh')
test2 = Test(3, 'oh')
assert test1 == test2
test3 = Test(4, 'oh')
assert test1 != test3
# Test dict.
di = {test1:[1,2,3], test2:[7,8,9]}
assert len(di) == 1
assert di[Test(3, 'oh')] == [7,8,9]
Basically, I am not so sure about calling a decorator like a function (while it is a function), so I wonder if there could be side effects?
decorators in python
are syntactic sugar, PEP 318 in Motivation gives following example
def foo(cls):
foo = synchronized(lock)(foo)
foo = classmethod(foo)
is equivalent to
def foo(cls):
In other word decorators allow you to write less lines of codes for getting very same result.