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Avalonia: How to animate points in path using code

I'm trying to figure out how to do animations in Avalonia.

I have a path with 4 linesegements and I want to animate each point to a new position. In WPF I have done it like this:

        public void AnimatePoints(PointCollection pts, TimeSpan timespan, bool randomized = true, Action onFinished = null)
            Points = PointCollection.Parse(PathString);

            //PathFigure needs an animation too (for the start point), otherwise the first point always stays in one place
            var pfa = new PointAnimation(pts[0], timespan);

            if (onFinished != null)
                pfa.Completed += (sender, args) => onFinished();

            PathFigure.BeginAnimation(PathFigure.StartPointProperty, pfa);

            for (int i = 0; i < pts.Count; i++)
                var pa = new PointAnimation(pts[i], timespan);
                if (randomized)
                    LineSegments[i].BeginAnimation(LineSegment.PointProperty, pa);
                    LineSegments[i].BeginAnimation(LineSegment.PointProperty, pa);

How can I do the same in Avalonia using code? I've tried with a PathTransition but neither PathFigure nor LineSegments are animateable.


  • I don't think there is built-in animator, but in Avalonia you can do custom animators like that:

    public class MorphAnimator : Animator<Geometry>
        public override Geometry Interpolate(double progress, Geometry oldValue, Geometry newValue)
            var clone = (oldValue as PathGeometry).ClonePathGeometry();
            Morph.To(clone, newValue as PathGeometry, progress);
            return clone;

    and register

    Animation.RegisterAnimator<MorphAnimator>(prop => typeof(Geometry).IsAssignableFrom(prop.PropertyType));

    Example code:

    You can also do custom animators from Xaml:

        <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center">
            <Style Selector="TextBlock">
                <Animation Duration="0:0:1" IterationCount="Infinite">
                  <KeyFrame Cue="0%">
                    <Setter Property="Text" Value="" Animation.Animator="{x:Type pages:CustomStringAnimator}"/>
                  <KeyFrame Cue="100%">
                    <Setter Property="Text" Value="0123456789" Animation.Animator="{x:Type pages:CustomStringAnimator}"/>


    using Avalonia.Animation.Animators;
    namespace RenderDemo.Pages
        public class CustomStringAnimator : Animator<string>
            public override string Interpolate(double progress, string oldValue, string newValue)
                if (newValue.Length == 0) return "";
                var step = 1.0 / newValue.Length;
                var length = (int)(progress / step);
                var result = newValue.Substring(0, length + 1);
                return result;