How to create spreadsheet with data on worksheet from list object ? i using devexpress asp net core to create spreadsheet.
this is my controller:
public ActionResult Overview(IFormFile document)
var model = new DocumentModel();
if (document != null)
var stream = new MemoryStream();
//Office File API
var workBook = new Workbook();
//preprocess the uploaded file using Spreadsheet Document API
model.DocumentId = document.FileName;
model.ContentAccessorByStream = stream;
return View("Overview", model);
How pass list to spreadsheet ?
You can try to import your list with data into a worksheet:
// Import the list into the worksheet.
// Data starts with the B3 cell.
workbook.Worksheets[0].Import(yourList, 2, 1);
...or use Data Binding:
private void BindToRange(List<MyObject> dataSource, CellRange
bindingRange, Worksheet sheet) {
// Specify the binding options.
ExternalDataSourceOptions dsOptions = new ExternalDataSourceOptions();
dsOptions.ImportHeaders = true;
dsOptions.CellValueConverter = new MyObjectConverter();
dsOptions.SkipHiddenRows = true;
// Bind the data source to the worksheet range.
WorksheetDataBinding sheetDataBinding = sheet.DataBindings.BindToDataSource(dataSource, bindingRange, dsOptions);
// Adjust the column width.
Please refer to the following articles to learn more info: