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What exactly does this format string do when paired with fscanf?

I am looking at some code and came across this line:

fscanf(file, "%*[: ]%16s", dest);

What does the %*[: ]%16s format string specifier do?


  • This format string

    "%*[: ]%16s"

    means that all symbols ':' and ' ' (the symbols placed in the square brackets in the format string) must be skipped in the input stream and then at most 16 characters be read in a character array.

    In the format string the symbol * is assignment-suppressing character.

    Here is a demonstration program. For visibility I am using sscanf instead of fscanf.

    #include <stdio.h>
    int main( void ) 
        const char *stream = "::: : : : :::Hello";
        char s[17];
        sscanf( stream, "%*[: ]%16s", s );
        printf( "\"%s\"\n", s );
        return 0;

    The program output is
