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Import cycles more than two levels go

So i have this import cycle to solve, and my project structure basically likes this:

model.go -> procedure.go -> function.go

In my function i need model and i use interface to handle it. Currently my code basically like this:

type imodel interface {

type model struct {

func (m *model) run() {
    proc := &procedure{}

func (m *model) foo() {
    //bla bla

type procedure struct {

func (p *procedure) run(model imodel) {
    funct := &function{}

type function struct {

func (f *function) run(model imodel) {

My question is should i pass my model using interface thorough every class like that or there's any other workaround?


  • I would put all of these in the same package. Depending on circumstances, I may put them in different files in the same package.

    Also, you do not seem to export imodel, so it would be package-internal and unless you have multiple concrete implementations, you do not need an interface. Then, "imodel" is a less than ideal name, the interface should be named model and each concrete type implementing the interface should be named after what it models.