So far, the existing questions and answers have not helped me. I am trying to get the online "try this API" to work for me. people.connections.list and contactGroups.get work for me. However, I can not find a way to get a list of contacts for a given group. It seems like this should be simple.
Try this:
from the returned ContactGroup
"resourceName": string,
"etag": string,
"metadata": {
object (ContactGroupMetadata)
"groupType": enum (GroupType),
"name": string,
"formattedName": string,
"memberResourceNames": [
"memberCount": integer,
"clientData": [
object (GroupClientData)
I did a contactGroups.list first. For your step 1. I had to set the resourceName = contactGroups/hex value from the list The output does not look like yours
{ "resourceName": "contactGroups/443...", "etag": "k+..., "metadata": { "updateTime": "2020-11-08T15:29:59.193Z" }, "groupType": "USER_CONTACT_GROUP", "name": "Tennis", "formattedName": "Tennis", "memberCount": 46 }
EDIT: The memberResourceNames array only appears if you specify >0 on maxMembers parameter.