It must be very simple, but I can't figure out out how to retrieve a File content from a Microsoft Dataverse table.
I have a table called quotes. This table has a column of type File "cra7f_ficheiropricing" to which I have previously uploaded a file. Using Postman, I want to retrieve the content of the file as a binary file.
In the following, I was able to filter the quote I wanted (record of the table), the results are bellow.
I have tried the Official Documentation but without success.
Have you checked this out?
Example: REST download with chunking
HTTP Request
GET [Organization URI]/api/data/v9.1/accounts(id)/myfileattribute/$value
Range: bytes=0-1023/8192
HTTP Response
206 Partial Content
Body: byte[]
So if I get this correctly, you'd have to try this in your concrete case:
GET [Organization URI]/api/data/v9.1/quotes(-your-guid-here-)/cra7f_ficheiropricing/$value