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Parsing recursive JSON structure with Lists in Scala

I've got the following JSON structure and I can't find a good way to parse it in Scala (I'm using circe BTW):

  "name": "xx",
  "args": [
    {"name":"xy", "args": []},
      {"name":"xy", "args": []},
      {"name":"xy", "args": [[]]}
        {"name":"xy", "args": [{"name":"xy", "args": []}]}

Basically, it's a recursive structure that can contain either object, or list of objects, or list of lists, or list of lists of lists... or objects and lists.

How can I handle that? I'm thinking about some recursive types but I'm not sure about that.


  • You need to model that as an ADT and derive a custom Decoder like this:

    import io.circe.{Decoder, DecodingFailure, parser}
    import io.circe.generic.semiauto.deriveDecoder
    sealed trait Arg
    object Arg {
      final case class OneArg(name: String, args: List[Arg]) extends Arg
      final case class MultipleArgs(args: List[Arg]) extends Arg
      private implicit final val OneArgDecoder: Decoder[OneArg] = deriveDecoder
      implicit final val ArgDecoer: Decoder[Arg] =
        Decoder.instance[Arg] { cursor =>
          cursor.focus match {
            case Some(json) =>
              // Here you may also ask if it is an array before to attempt to get it as a List[arg], and if not then provide a custom failure.
              if (json.isObject)[OneArg]
            case None =>
              Left(DecodingFailure("Empty cursor", cursor.history))

    Which can be used to decode your JSON: