I am trying to stream two cameras simultaneously into one window using opencv. Any idea how can I do it? I can do it using different windows and threading but I wanted to incorporate the two streams into one window.
NOTE: The cameras have the same resolution
this should work with the below example. please try this.
#for image
ret1, img1 = camera1.read()
ret2, img2 = camera2.read()
if ret1==False or ret2==False:
print("could not read from cameras !")
# now, you can do this either vertical (one over the other):
final = cv2.vconcat([img1, img2])
# or horizontal (next to each other):
#final = cv2.hconcat([img1, img2])
imshow("I", final)
For further reference please see this https://docs.opencv.org/4.x/d2/de8/group__core__array.html#ga4676b1376cdc4e528dab6bd9edc51c1a
#for video: P.S: It should be like this, but I didn't test it with video.
cap_1= cv2.VideoCapture(CAP_ANY)
cap_2 = cv2.VideoCapture(CAP_ANY)
while true:
ret_1, frame_1 = cap_1.read()
ret_2, frame_2 = cap_2.read()
# now, you can do this either vertical (one over the other):
final = cv2.vconcat([frame_1, frame_2])
# or horizontal (next to each other):
#final = cv2.hconcat([img1, img2])
imshow("I", final)