i need a function, let's call it button_or_text
. this function returns a certain value if a button is pressed, most likely a str
. it returns the Message
object for a message has been sent.
what i tried doing:
import nextcord
import nextcord.ext.commands as cmds
class Coggers(cmds.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
async def test(self, ctx: cmds.Context):
async def button_or_text():
class Buttons(nextcord.ui.View):
def __init__(self):
self.value = None
@nextcord.ui.button(label="very mysterious button", style=nextcord.ButtonStyle.green)
async def very_mysterious_button(self, button: nextcord.ui.Button, interact: nextcord.Interaction):
# insert function that somehow cancels the wait_for()
# return "some value"
view = Buttons()
await ctx.send("press this very mysterious button or send a message?", view=view)
check = lambda msg: ctx.author.id == msg.author.id
message = await self.bot.wait_for("message", check=check)
return message.content
print(await button_or_text())
await ctx.send("end")
def setup(bot: cmds.Bot):
here i did a wait_for
for the function. if a button was pressed, somehow cancel that wait_for
then return the set value for pressing a button. if a message was sent, somehow stop the Buttons
object from listening then return the Message
i'm scratching my head on how to do both the wait_for
cancel and the return, but i feel like this isn't the best way of doing it and i'm missing a more "elegant" way
any help?
Without all details as to what exactly you want to achieve it's hard to give a comprehensive solution, but here's the general idea of how to wait for the first of two events simultaneously:
async def await_input(self):
"""waits for valid user input (message, button) and returns the corresponding payload
events = [
self.bot.client.wait_for('message', check=self._check_msg),
self.bot.client.wait_for('interaction', check=self._check_button)
# with asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED, this triggers as soon as one of the events is fired
done, pending = await asyncio.wait(events, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)
event = done.pop().result()
# cancel the other check
for future in pending:
# check if the event has the `application_id` attribute to determine if it was the button press or a message
if hasattr(event, 'application_id'):
return 'button pressed' # or whatever you want to return there
return event # this will be the message
What's left for you to do is to implement the _check_msg
(this can most likely be the lambda you already have) and _check_button
to make sure you're only getting input you are interested in. You might also want to set a timeout for each of the events unless you want to wait indefinitely