I want my script to take multiple argument with same name.
python3 script.py --test test1 --test test2 --test test3 --config config_path
How can I achieve this. I have tried nargs
from argparse till now.
# My Solution
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Arg Parser',
parser.add_argument('--test', nargs='+', required=True, \
help='Modules name for sanity check', choices=['test1 ', 'test2 ', 'test3 '])
arg = parser.parse_args()
But it's behavior is little different it takes it in the form
python3 script.py --test test1 test2 --config config_path
Any suggestion on how to get desired behavior
This should be straight forward from @hpaulj comments adding code just in case
parser.add_argument('--test', action='append', required=True, \
choices=['test1 ', 'test2 ', 'test3 '])