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How To Get the Aggregated Usage of CPU in GRAFANA when hyperthreading is enabled

We are running GRAFANA/PROMETHEUS to monitor our CPU metrics and find aggregated CPU Usage of all cpus. the problem is we have enabled hyperthreading and when we stress CPU the percentage exceeds from 100%. my question is how to limit that cpu usage to show only usage in 100% not more even if cpu is highly utilized.

P.S i have tried setting the max and min limit in grafana but still the graph spikes goes above that limit.

Kindly give me the right query for this problem.

The queries I have tried are given below.

sum(irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{instance="localhost",job="node", mode!="idle"}[5m]))*100

100 - avg(irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{instance="localhost",job="node", mode!="idle"}[5m]))*100

and other similar queries we have tried.


  • This is probably the most helpful query.

    (1 - avg(irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{instance="$instance",job="$job",mode!="idle"}[5m])))*100

    Replace your instance IP and your node exporter job name.