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Bigquery - How to get only one max value when a window function has all the same values

I am using a window function in Google BigQuery to the the biggest value attached to a customer like this:

SELECT customer_key, store_location,
    FIRST_VALUE(store_key) OVER (
        PARTITION BY customer_key
        ORDER BY visits DESC
    ) AS fav_store
ORDER BY customer_key ASC

And it works just fine in giving me the store with more visits by customer. However there are cases when a customer has the same number of visits in 3 different stores and this function returns the same 3 values.

For example, when customer 111 has 3 visits in store A, B, and C, as they all have the same number of visits and I want any of them to be returned not all three of them.

I also tried using LAST_VALUE and MAX but when the number of visits is the same, the three of them return all the stores.

How can I make it so that it returns only one?


  • I was able to get your expected output with this script:

    SELECT customer_key, store_location, store_key as fav_store 
    FROM (
        SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(partition by customer_key order by visits desc) rn
        FROM mydataset.mytable
    ) t1
    WHERE rn = 1
    ORDER BY customer_key

    Sample data:

    customer_key    store_key   store_location  visits
    111                 A             A           3
    111                 C             C           3
    111                 B             B           3 
    111                 D             D           2
    222                 D             D           5
    222                 A             A           3
    222                 B             B           3
    222                 C             C           3
    333                 B             B           3
    333                 A             A           1
    444                 C             C           4


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