I use the PPTX library to automate the creation of a deck of slides on a weekly basis. It was working really well until the last update of the library. As you can see below, I keep getting the following when updating the "image part" of the slides:
Here is my function for the image replacement:
def replace_img_slide(prs, slide_nbr, shape_nbr, img_path):
slide = prs.slides[slide_nbr]
img = slide.shapes[shape_nbr]
imgPic = img._pic
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError(
f"Error for slide: {slide_nbr}, shape: {shape_nbr}, path: {img_path}")
imgRID = imgPic.xpath('./p:blipFill/a:blip/@r:embed')[0]
imgPart = slide.part.related_parts[imgRID]
with open(img_path, 'rb') as f:
rImgBlob = f.read()
# replace
imgPart._blob = rImgBlob
return prs
I found some related subject and I understood that the "related_parts" is now obsolete in the new version of the library but I did not find how to solve it. Do you think you can help me with that please ?
Many thanks in advance for your help !
Just use part.related_part(imgRID)
where you used to use part.related_parts[imgRID]
The latest version exposes that method (internally) rather than expose a dict
-like object just to do that one job.