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How to scan a QR Code to Import the Info Into Google Forms

I want to start off by saying I have limited coding experience in google scripts, but have had extensive experience coding in R. I have tried a using previous stackedoverflow solution (Using QR Code to enter value into Google Form?), but any time I would edit the URL, it'll say "Sorry, unable to open the file at this time."

I copied the code that was listed under into the main script and changed 'your-form-id-here' to match my google sheet's ID and added the two HTML codes for 'Success' and 'Failure', but it hasn't worked.

I have a google form that asks people to input their unique ID Number. Rather than having folks mis-type their number, I would like to set it up so that they can scan a QR code on their phone and have the Google Form auto-populate the first question that asks for their ID#. There are additional questions on the google form they need to answer, but I would just like for the first question to be auto-populated.

Here is the Google Form:

The Form ID I used was 1FAIpQLSdsP0e2FsC54QY0Nyrpipi21yC-8ODjO9aRlfOMq51vODRaew, which I assumed was the ID based on the Google Form URL.

EDIT: Here is my current script for the

function doGet(e){
  try {
    var passNo = e.parameters.passNo;
    var qNumber = e.parameters.qNumber;
    var form = FormApp.openById('1FAIpQLSdsP0e2FsC54QY0Nyrpipi21yC-8ODjO9aRlfOMq51vODRaew');
    var items = form.getItems();

    // assuming question 1 is the pass number question
    var q = items[qNumber[0] - 1].asTextItem();   
    var itemResponse = q.createResponse(passNo[0])
    var FormResponse = form.createResponse();    
    return HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('Success')
    return HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('Failure'); 

I also added the Success.html and Failure.html code exactly as written in the previous example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <base target="_top">


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <base target="_top">

After deploying the script, I got the URL and practiced adding the "passNo" and "qNumber" exactly as they did in the example by adding ?passNo=21480&qNumber=1 to the end of my URL, but the URL leads to a page error:


  • Issue and solution:

    When I saw your current script, I noticed that at ar form = FormApp.openById('1FAIpQLSdsP0e2FsC54QY0Nyrpipi21yC-8ODjO9aRlfOMq51vODRaew'); and, you are using the ID from the URL of preview. In this case, that ID is not the Google Form ID. I thought that this might be the reason for your issue.

    For example, when I tested your script by using the correct Google Form ID, no error occurs. "Success" is returned. So please modify as follows.


    var form = FormApp.openById('1FAIpQLSdsP0e2FsC54QY0Nyrpipi21yC-8ODjO9aRlfOMq51vODRaew');


    var form = FormApp.openById('### Google Form ID ###');
    • In this case, please use ### of
