I keep getting this message on the IE11 Console
HTML1514: Extra "<body>" tag found. Only one "<body>" tag should exist per document. File: Login, Line: 76, Column: 1
When I read the HTML, there is only one body tag. I read up on IE's 1514 message, and there isn't anything there that would cause this issue that I can find.
Is there a good tool to try to find out what IE is really complaining about? The best I can think of is that one of the libraries I am loaded may have something in script, but even then that doesn't make sense unless it is being added to the dom, and removed.
The only other thing I can think of, is that I am also getting an HTML1521, but that is momentary, because the script is still building the page. This is an SPA app, and all code happens between body and \body, That way I don't have to watch the body tag.
I haven't seen this in either Chrome or FF. If it weren't for the fact that I have to support IE I wouldn't be concerned about this message.
I have tried to post the code, but stripping the IP out of it for public exposure has broken everything, so rather than getting a public code review, I am looking for ideas in tools that may help find this, or blogs that may have useful information.
So far Google and Bing have not shown me anything that I don't already know, or already tried.
[Edit - Added details from discussion below]
<!--[if IE]...
<body></body> only one pair
<div class="container body-content"></div>
should not affect this rule.Thank you jascher for helping to cover the basics.
I stopped supporting IE11 on that project. Customers were directed to Chrome and Firefox, and later Edge.