I expected the following code to print verbose text with my default foreground color:
$Host.PrivateData.VerboseForegroundColor = [console]::ForegroundColor
Write-Verbose 'Test' -Verbose
However, it prints yellow text as usual. Changing the Error foreground color does work though:
$Host.PrivateData.ErrorForegroundColor = [console]::ForegroundColor
Write-Error 'test'
The only way I've found to circumvent this is by doing this:
Write-Verbose 'Test' -Verbose *>&1 | Write-Host
But this isn't really changing the verbose colors, it's just forcing it to print directly to the console host as default text using Write-Host. I do know that Write-Host does let you alter the message color to anything you want, but this is hardly an ideal solution.
In Powershell 7.2+
, $Host.PrivateData
not the right way to set styles. It's there for backwards compatibility. For details, see a brand new about_*
page: about_ANSI_Terminals
You want
$PSStyle.Formatting.Verbose = $PSStyle.Foreground.FromRgb(0x34f2aa)
Check out the docs, it adds a bunch of options: bold, blink, hidden, reverse, italic, underline, fileinfo.... about_ANSI_Terminals
function testVerbose {
param( [Parameter() ]$x )
$X.GetType().FullName | write-verbose
testVerbose 34.5 -Verbose ;
$PSStyle.Formatting.Verbose = $PSStyle.Foreground.FromRgb(0x34f2aa)
testVerbose 34.5 -Verbose
One way to view the ANSI
control chars is to replace "``e".
# I saved the value before changing it
$originalVerbose -replace "`e", ''
$PSStyle.Formatting.Verbose -replace "`e", ''
Notice: It switched to the 24bit-color ANSI escape sequence
Format-ControlChar converts all control chars to their Symbol
version, not just e
, making values safe to pipe.
It's easy, just add 0x2400 to the codepoint. compart.com/block/U+2400
🐒> "$($PSStyle.Background.BrightCyan)Power$($PSStyle.Underline)$($PSStyle.Bold)Shell$($PSStyle.Reset)"
| Format-ControlChar