Given a list [[["source1"], ["target1"], ["alignment1"]], ["source2"], ["target2"], ["alignment2"]], ...]
, I want to extract the words in the source that align with the words in the target.
For example, in the English-German sentence pair The hat is on the table . - Der Hut liegt auf dem Tisch ., I want to print the following:
The - Der
hat - Hut
is - liegt
on - auf
the - dem
table - Tisch
. - .
So I have written the following:
en_de = [
[['The', 'hat', 'is', 'on', 'the', 'table', '.'], ['Der', 'Hut', 'liegt', 'auf', 'dem', 'Tisch', '.'], '0-0 1-1 2-2 3-3 4-4 5-5 6-6'],
[['The', 'picture', 'is', 'on', 'the', 'wall', '.'], ['Das', 'Bild', 'hängt', 'an', 'der', 'Wand', '.'], '0-0 1-1 2-2 3-3 4-4 5-5 6-6'],
[['The', 'bottle', 'is', 'under', 'the', 'sink', '.'], ['Die', 'Flasche', 'ist', 'under', 'dem', 'Waschbecken', '.'], '0-0 1-1 2-2 3-3 4-4 5-5 6-6']
for group in en_de:
src_sent = group[0]
tgt_sent = group[1]
aligns = group[2]
split_aligns = aligns.split()
hyphen_split = [align.split("-") for align in split_aligns]
align_index = hyphen_split[0]
print(src_sent[int(align_index[0])],"-", tgt_sent[int(align_index[1])])
This prints, as expected, the words in index position 0 of src_sent
and tgt_sent
The - Der
The - Das
The - Die
Now, I don't know how I can print the words of all index positions of src_sent
and tgt_sent
. Obviously, I could manually update align_index
to a new index position for each position in the sentence pair, but on the full dataset, some sentences will have up to 25 index positions.
Is there a way to possibly for-loop through each index position?
When I try:
align_index = hyphen_split[0:]
print(src_sent[int(align_index[0])],"-", tgt_sent[int(align_index[1])])
I get a TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a number, not 'list'
It's clear that align_index
can't be a list, but I'm not sure how to convert it into something that will do what I want it to do.
Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
You are forgetting to loop over your hyphen_split
for group in en_de:
src_sent = group[0]
tgt_sent = group[1]
aligns = group[2]
split_aligns = aligns.split()
hyphen_split = [align.split("-") for align in split_aligns]
for align_index in hyphen_split:
print(src_sent[int(align_index[0])],"-", tgt_sent[int(align_index[1])])
See the last two lines, updated from your code.