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How to pass param as an object with React-Navigation deep linking?

I use React-Navigation deep linking to get params from an Url but I would like to pass these params to an object. Now I do this :

prefixes: [Linking.makeUrl('/'), '', 'https://*'],
  config: {
    screens: {
      App: {
        screens: {
          Chat: {
            path: 'chat/:firstName/:lastName/:birthdate',
            parse: {
              firstName: (firstName: string) => decodeURIComponent(firstName),
              lastName: (lastName: string) => decodeURIComponent(lastName),
              birthdate: (birthdate: string) => decodeURIComponent(birthdate),

This is the result :

 const { firstName, lastName, birthdate} = route.params

And what I need is an object with inside firstName, lastName, birthdate :

const { userObject } = route.params


  • You can use getStateFromPath to configure the params however you like.

    Something like this should work. Note: I haven't tested with nested screens. You may need to modify this slightly to handle the nested screens.

    import { getStateFromPath } from '@react-navigation/native';
    const linking = {
      prefixes: [Linking.makeUrl('/'), '', 'https://*'],
      config: {
        screens: {
          App: {
            screens: {
              Chat: {
                path: 'chat/:firstName/:lastName/:birthdate',
                parse: {
                  firstName: (firstName: string) => decodeURIComponent(firstName),
                  lastName: (lastName: string) => decodeURIComponent(lastName),
                  birthdate: (birthdate: string) => decodeURIComponent(birthdate),
      getStateFromPath: (path, options) => {
        const state = getStateFromPath(path, options);
        const newState = {
          routes: => {
            if ( === 'Chat') {
              // modify your params however you like here!
              return {
                params: { userObject: route.params }
            } else {
              return route
        return newState;