I have such hierarchy:
This scroll view also can zoom. And I need to show view2 in center of cycle view when I pressed this cycle view(there I have tap gesture recogniser). But view2 should be lye on container view because we also need to zoom it with cycle view.
I try to get rect where need to show view2 with this approach.
func getSourceRect(for cycleView: UIView) -> CGRect {
let rectOnContainer = cycleView.convert(cycleView.frame, to: containerView)
let rectOnScrollView = containerView.convert(rectOnContainer, to: scrollView)
return rectOnScrollView
and then I do next
let sourceRect = getSourceRect(for: cycleView)
view2.center = CGPoint(x: sourceRect.midX, y: sourceRect.midY)
It doesn't work. Please help me understood this behaviour and get this position where I can show view2
So you want view2 to be centered on the cycle view but attached to the container view?
If this is true then
// if view2 and cycle view's parent is container view
// then there should not be a need to transform view2's
// coordinate space
view2.center = cycleView.center
// make sure z position is correct so that cycle view isn't obscuring
// view2's visibility.