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How to initialize OrderedDictionary - Swift Collections

Reading from the github docs I can see how to use it, but when I try to initialize it (to empty):

var responses: OrderedDictionary = [:]

it says: Empty collection literal requires an explicit type

I tried this:

var responses: OrderedDictionary<String: <TransactionsDataItemsClassAModel>> = [:]

but doesn't work, what's the proper way to initialize this?

This is how I have initialized my non ordered diccionary:

var dataDiccionary: [String: [TransactionsDataItemsClassAModel]] = [:]



  • The regular syntax for generic types is like Array<T> and Dictionary<K, V>

    • There's short-hand syntax specific to Array and Dictionary: [T] and [K: V].

    You're confusing some things and combined the two into an an invalid middle-ground.

    OrderedDictionary doesn't have any special short-hands, so you would just treat it like any other generic type. The generic type parameters are specified with a comma separated list:

    OrderedDictionary<String, [TransactionsDataItemsClassAModel]>