I have made the following query using the osmdata package:
# Get map boundaries for UK:
bb <- getbb ('uk', format_out = 'polygon')
# Fetch data for selected boundaries from osmdata:
ukbasemap <- opq(bbox = bb) %>% # set boundary box
add_osm_feature(key = 'admin_level', value = '4') %>% # add feature
osmdata_sf () %>% # convert to sf object
trim_osmdata (bb) # trim to edges of boundary (i.e. UK borders)
This returned the following warning, but otherwise created the sf object without apparent issue:
bb_poly has more than one polygon; the first will be selected.
I then tried to plot the data, but the below code produces a blank plot:
> sf::plot_sf(ukbasemap$osm_lines)
> sf::plot_sf(ukbasemap$osm_polygons)
> sf::plot_sf(ukbasemap$osm_multipolygons)
> sf::plot_sf(ukbasemap$osm_points)
When I inspected the sf object, I was surprised to see some place names from Central African Republic in it. I ran a query for CAR a few months ago, and the only thing I can think of is that I accidentally set some global options to refer to CAR data - but I don't remember doing that. Here is a snippet of what the sf object looks like:
> ukbasemap$osm_points
Simple feature collection with 2 features and 23 fields
Geometry type: POINT
Dimension: XY
Bounding box: xmin: 20.54475 ymin: 5.768001 xmax: 20.67557 ymax: 6.311055
Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
osm_id name GNS.id alt_name capital created_by ele ford is_in.continent
2222388003 2222388003 Ouaka <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA>
4680378478 4680378478 Bambari -1339188 <NA> 4 <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA>
is_in.country name.de name.en name.ko name.ru name.sg name.uk place
2222388003 <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> Уака Wäkä Уака state
4680378478 <NA> <NA> <NA> 밤바리 <NA> <NA> <NA> city
population ref source state_code wikidata wikipedia geometry
2222388003 <NA> UK <NA> UK Q848560 fr:Ouaka POINT (20.54475 6.311055)
4680378478 41356 <NA> GNS <NA> Q805946 <NA> POINT (20.67557 5.768001)
"Ouaka" and "Bambari" are place names in Central African Republic.
Does anyone know what could be going on here and how can I fix it?
This is because your bounding box does not actually refer to the United Kingdom. It is the case because the default featuretype = "settlement"
combines results from all intermediate levels below "country" and above "streets" (see here).
You can get the bounding box for a country by adding feature_type = "country"
bb <- getbb("uk", format_out = 'polygon', featuretype = "country")
You can check whether your bounding box is correct by mapping it like this.
bb <- getbb("uk", format_out = 'sf_polygon', featuretype = "country")
leaflet(bb$multipolygon) %>%
addProviderTiles("CartoDB.Positron") %>%
While with bb <- getbb ('uk', format_out = 'polygon')
, you get: