I have written the LorenzaAttractor class and have successfully plotted y and z against x in 2D. Is it possible to plot this in 3D?
model LorenzAttractor
parameter Real sigma = 10;
parameter Real rho = 28;
parameter Real beta = 8/3;
Real x (start=1);
Real y (start = 1);
Real z (start = 1);
der(x) = sigma*(y-x);
der(y) = x * (rho-z) - y;
der(z) = x*y - beta*z;
end LorenzAttractor;
Not in OMEdit as far as I am aware. However, one alternative is to use the.csv or .mat file and use some auxiliary tool such as GNUPlot or some other plotting tool.
You can change the output here:
The resulting file will be in the working directory of OMEdit: