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MVN Build Image - "dial tcp: lookup Temporary failure in name resolution"

I'm trying to build a docker image using mvn spring-boot:build-image -P<environment> command but I'm getting an error:

[INFO]     [creator]     Paketo BellSoft Liberica Buildpack 8.1.2
[INFO]     [creator]
[INFO]     [creator]       Build Configuration:
[INFO]     [creator]         $BP_JVM_VERSION              8.*             the Java version
[INFO]     [creator]       Launch Configuration:
[INFO]     [creator]         $BPL_JVM_HEAD_ROOM           0               the headroom in memory calculation
[INFO]     [creator]         $BPL_JVM_LOADED_CLASS_COUNT  35% of classes  the number of loaded classes in memory calculation
[INFO]     [creator]         $BPL_JVM_THREAD_COUNT        250             the number of threads in memory calculation
[INFO]     [creator]         $JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS                           the JVM launch flags
[INFO]     [creator]       BellSoft Liberica JRE 8.0.292: Contributing to layer
[INFO]     [creator]         Downloading from
[INFO]     [creator]     unable to invoke layer creator
[INFO]     [creator]     unable to get dependency jre
[INFO]     [creator]     unable to download
[INFO]     [creator]     unable to request
[INFO]     [creator]     Get "": 
dial tcp: lookup Temporary failure in name resolution
[INFO]     [creator]     ERROR: failed to build: exit status 1

Before I restart docker service I was getting another error:

[INFO]     [creator]     Get "": 
x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
[INFO]     [creator]     ERROR: failed to build: exit status 1

What configuration Am I missing?


  • Using spring-boot 2.4.2 and Java 11 version fixed the problem:




    [INFO]     [creator]     Paketo BellSoft Liberica Buildpack 9.0.0
    [INFO]     [creator]
    [INFO]     [creator]       Build Configuration:
    [INFO]     [creator]         $BP_JVM_TYPE                 JRE             the JVM type - JDK or JRE
    [INFO]     [creator]         $BP_JVM_VERSION              11.*            the Java version
    [INFO]     [creator]       Launch Configuration:
    [INFO]     [creator]         $BPL_DEBUG_ENABLED           false           enables Java remote debugging support
    [INFO]     [creator]         $BPL_DEBUG_PORT              8000            configure the remote debugging port
    [INFO]     [creator]         $BPL_DEBUG_SUSPEND           false           configure whether to suspend execution until a debugger has attached
    [INFO]     [creator]         $BPL_HEAP_DUMP_PATH                          write heap dumps on error to this path
    [INFO]     [creator]         $BPL_JAVA_NMT_ENABLED        true            enables Java Native Memory Tracking (NMT)
    [INFO]     [creator]         $BPL_JAVA_NMT_LEVEL          summary         configure level of NMT, summary or detail
    [INFO]     [creator]         $BPL_JFR_ARGS                                configure custom Java Flight Recording (JFR) arguments
    [INFO]     [creator]         $BPL_JFR_ENABLED             false           enables Java Flight Recording (JFR)
    [INFO]     [creator]         $BPL_JMX_ENABLED             false           enables Java Management Extensions (JMX)
    [INFO]     [creator]         $BPL_JMX_PORT                5000            configure the JMX port
    [INFO]     [creator]         $BPL_JVM_HEAD_ROOM           0               the headroom in memory calculation
    [INFO]     [creator]         $BPL_JVM_LOADED_CLASS_COUNT  35% of classes  the number of loaded classes in memory calculation
    [INFO]     [creator]         $BPL_JVM_THREAD_COUNT        250             the number of threads in memory calculation
    [INFO]     [creator]         $JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS                           the JVM launch flags
    [INFO]     [creator]       BellSoft Liberica JRE 11.0.13: Contributing to layer
    [INFO]     [creator]         Downloading from
    [INFO]     [creator]         Verifying checksum
    [INFO]     [creator]         Expanding to /layers/paketo-buildpacks_bellsoft-liberica/jre
    [INFO]     [creator]         Adding 128 container CA certificates to JVM truststore
    [INFO]     [creator]         Writing env.launch/BPI_APPLICATION_PATH.default
    [INFO]     [creator]         Writing env.launch/BPI_JVM_CACERTS.default
    [INFO]     [creator]         Writing env.launch/BPI_JVM_CLASS_COUNT.default
    [INFO]     [creator]         Writing env.launch/BPI_JVM_SECURITY_PROVIDERS.default
    [INFO]     [creator]         Writing env.launch/JAVA_HOME.default
    [INFO]     [creator]         Writing env.launch/JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS.append
    [INFO]     [creator]         Writing env.launch/JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS.delim
    [INFO]     [creator]         Writing env.launch/MALLOC_ARENA_MAX.default
    [INFO]     [creator]       Launch Helper: Contributing to layer