I'm using the function below to get version info from the current EXE file.
Problem is, after applying Delphi 11's November Patch , the function started to crash the application.
My code is listed below. The line that crashes is this :
VerQueryValue(VerInfo, '\', Pointer(VerValue), VerValueSize);
And here is the error, after this the app closes. This same funcion worked without problems before the patch. Maybe a bugged update ?
function TForm1.version : string;
VerInfoSize: DWord;
VerInfo: Pointer;
VerValueSize: DWord;
VerValue: PVSFixedFileInfo;
Dummy: DWord;
sfilename: string;
sfilename := paramstr(0);
VerInfoSize := GetFileVersionInfoSize(pchar(sfilename), Dummy);
GetMem(VerInfo, VerInfoSize);
GetFileVersionInfo(pchar(sfilename), 0, VerInfoSize, VerInfo);
VerQueryValue(VerInfo, '\', Pointer(VerValue), VerValueSize);
with VerValue^ do
Result := inttostr(dwFileVersionMS shr 16);
Result := Result + '.' + inttostr(dwFileVersionMS and $FFFF);
Result := Result + '.' + inttostr(dwFileVersionLS shr 16);
Result := Result + '.' + inttostr(dwFileVersionLS and $FFFF);
FreeMem(VerInfo, VerInfoSize);
Actually the problem was the EXE file did not have any version info, and an exception was generated and i was not handling it.
The code on the answer below works :
GetFileVersionInfoSize And GetFileVersionInfo return nothing