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Get version info from EXE file crashing on Delphi 11 after applying November Patch

I'm using the function below to get version info from the current EXE file.

Problem is, after applying Delphi 11's November Patch , the function started to crash the application.

My code is listed below. The line that crashes is this :

VerQueryValue(VerInfo, '\', Pointer(VerValue), VerValueSize);

And here is the error, after this the app closes. This same funcion worked without problems before the patch. Maybe a bugged update ?

enter image description here

  function TForm1.version : string;
    VerInfoSize: DWord;
    VerInfo: Pointer;
    VerValueSize: DWord;
    VerValue: PVSFixedFileInfo;
    Dummy: DWord;
    sfilename: string;
    sfilename := paramstr(0);
    VerInfoSize := GetFileVersionInfoSize(pchar(sfilename), Dummy);
    GetMem(VerInfo, VerInfoSize);
    GetFileVersionInfo(pchar(sfilename), 0, VerInfoSize, VerInfo);
    VerQueryValue(VerInfo, '\', Pointer(VerValue), VerValueSize);
    with VerValue^ do
      Result := inttostr(dwFileVersionMS shr 16);
      Result := Result + '.' + inttostr(dwFileVersionMS and $FFFF);
      Result := Result + '.' + inttostr(dwFileVersionLS shr 16);
      Result := Result + '.' + inttostr(dwFileVersionLS and $FFFF);
    FreeMem(VerInfo, VerInfoSize);


  • Actually the problem was the EXE file did not have any version info, and an exception was generated and i was not handling it.

    The code on the answer below works :

    GetFileVersionInfoSize And GetFileVersionInfo return nothing