I need to read and write a ini list and make a new list out of it. Problem is that the structure of list is very complex and I am not getting how I can split it to a new list. List structure I have :
List Structure I want:
lat : 47.67207493
long : 10.4114204
lat : 47.67208264
long : 10.4114204
lat : 47.67207493
long : 10.4114204
lat : 47.67209805
long : 10.41139297
I assume you want a JSON output of the form:
{"location": [
{"lat": ...
"long": ...},
{"lat": ...
"long": ...},
which your list structure output suggests, but doesn't say directly.
You can use a package to read ini files, but since the format you are inputting is so consistent and clear, I'd probably just parse it manually:
final _lineRE = RegExp(r"^PaPo\.(\d+)\.GeoC=([\d.]+),([\d.]+)$",
multiline: true);
Map<String, List<Map<String, double>>> readIniFile(String filename) {
var source = File(filename).readAsStringSync();
return {"location": [for (var match in _lineRE.allMatches(source))
{"lat": double.parse(match[2]), "long": double.parse(match[3])}
(If the inputs are not necessarily in numerical order, you might need to also take int.parse(match[1])
into account.)