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Enforcing Incoming X-Axis Data to map with Static X-Axis - Plotly

I am trying to plot a multi-axes line graph in Plotly and my data is based on the percentage (y-axis) v/s date (x-axis).

X and Y-axis coming from the database via pandas

Now since Plotly doesn't understand the order of string date in the x-axis it adjusted it automatically.

I am looking for something where my x-axis remains static for dates and in order and graph plots on top of that mapping based on their dates matching parameter.

static_x_axis = ['02-11-2021', '03-11-2021', '04-11-2021', '05-11-2021', '06-11-2021', '07-11-2021', '08-11-2021', '09-11-2021', '10-11-2021', '11-11-2021', '12-11-2021', '13-11-2021', '14-11-2021', '15-11-2021', '16-11-2021', '17-11-2021', '18-11-2021', '19-11-2021', '20-11-2021', '21-11-2021', '22-11-2021', '23-11-2021']

and the above list determines the x-axis mapping.

I tried using range but seems that does not support static mapping or either map all graphs from the 0th point.

Overall I am looking for a way that either follows a static date range or either does not break the current order of dates like what happened in the above graph.

Thanks in advance for your help.


    • from your question your data:
      • x date as a string representation (i.e. categorical)
      • y a number between 0 and 1 (a precentage)
      • three traces
    • you describe that x is unordered as source. Require it to be sorted in the x-axis
    • below simulates a figure in this way
    • then applies categorical axis sorting
    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    import plotly.graph_objects as go
    s = pd.Series(pd.date_range("2-nov-2021", periods=40).strftime("%d-%m-%Y"))
    fig = go.Figure(
                y=np.linspace(n/4, n/3, 10),
            for n in range(1,4)
    ).update_traces(texttemplate="%{y:.2f}", textposition="top center")
    fig.update_layout(xaxis={"categoryorder": "array", "categoryarray": s.values})

    enter image description here