Lets say I have following table:
fuel | units | total |
diesel | gallon | 30 |
lpg | gallon | 20 |
cng | gallon | 50 |
diesel | liter | 10 |
And I want to perform a select query in SQL server which sums the value of 'diesel' field. diesel in liter gets multiplied by a conversion factor and the Result should look like this.
fuel | units | total |
diesel | gallon | 40 |
I am able to convert diesel from liter to gallons and get the value but i cannot separate diesel in gallons from the table and add it to diesel in liter after conversion.
If you are doing only LITERS and GALLONS then a conditional aggregation should to the trick
Example or dbFiddle
Select fuel
,units = 'gallon'
,total = sum( case when units='liter' then total * 0.264172 else total end )
From YourTable
Group By fuel
fuel units total
cng gallon 50.000000
diesel gallon 32.641720
lpg gallon 20.000000
EDIT JUST FOR FUN. Let's add Barrels as well
Declare @YourTable Table ([fuel] varchar(50),[units] varchar(50),[total] int)
Insert Into @YourTable Values
Select fuel
,units = 'gallon'
,total = sum( case units when 'liter' then 0.264172
when 'barrel' then 42
else 1
end * Total )
From @YourTable
Group By fuel
2nd Results
fuel units total
cng gallon 50.000000
diesel gallon 74.641720
lpg gallon 20.000000