I have a mixin that takes another mixin (callback if you will) how to check if the passed argument is a mixin so that it doesn't break my code??
I tried
p #{mixins} //- nothing gets outputed
p #{Object.keys(pug_mixins).length} //- 0
p #{JSON.stringify(pug_mixins)} // {}
p #{globals} //- nothing gets outputed
// but in vain
and the funny thing is when I mistype the mixin on purpose when calling it
the error that gets logged starts with pug_mixins.templatee is not a function
edit: I also tried browsing the source code && the doc but nothing helped
edit2: it seems like it only works when wrapped in a function! why's that???
mixin myMixin()
em smth
if pug_mixins['myMixin']
h2 200
h2 404
//- 404
//- WHY????
mixin myMixin
h2 200:)!
const typeCheck = val => {
if (pug_mixins[val]) {
return 'mixin'
} else {
return 'text'
mixin myMixin2(val)
case typeCheck(val)
when 'mixin'
when 'text'
p 404:')
p i hate my life
This works for me:
mixin bar(m)
| before_
if pug_mixins[m]
| _after
mixin foo
b foo
= " "
gives this output: before_<b>foo</b>_after before__after
Note that pug_mixins
is sensitive to the order of your code.
Edited to add:
You must also actually call the mixin at some point for the mixin name to be in pug_mixins
. Note that in your not-working example, you check for the mixin's presence, but don't actually call it.