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pythondiscord /say more than one word

so I'm trying to make a /say command for my discord bot. The /say command makes the bot say what you said before e.g person: /say hi bot: hi

So far I've made it work but it can only say one word: person: /say hello world bot: hello

so how do I make it so that it can say more than one word? here's my code:

import discord
from discord.ext import commands

bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='/')

async def say(ctx, string: str):
    await ctx.send(string)'Token')


  • When passing in arguments to a discord bot, it takes each argument one at a time.

    For example if I were to write the following command function:

    async def add(ctx, num1: int, num2: int):

    Then it would only take in the first two arguments I pass into it, for example

    /add 1 2

    When passing in an unknown amount of arguments, you must use *args, the key for variadic arguments in python.

    If you change your function to

    async def say(ctx, *args):
        string = ' '.join(args)

    Then it will work as expected. This takes in the rest of the arguments passed into the command and joins them together with spaces.