I'm trying to install the VLC media player using a PowerShell script.
I opened the VLC wiki and found this (that's the only help I found online):
Start process -FilePath "C: \ Temp \ VLC.exe" -ArgumentList "/ L = 1033 / S"
When I run this command I don't get an error, but I have to accept the Windows admin thing and that's it. VLC cannot be installed.
This can be done without powershell. I'm not sure why people jump so often to start-process. I guess it won't work if you quote the command. It can be run directly:
.\vlc-3.0.11-win32.exe /L=1033 /S
Msi version:
install-package vlc-3.0.16-win64.msi
Default preferences file for ignoring update prompts, etc. copy-item overwrites without a confirmation.
copy-item vlcrc C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\vlc