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How to get the value of Jpicker (color picker) for each row in a loop

I have two questions.

  1. I have a dynamic grid. In which the user clicks on AddNewRow button and it generates a new row with jpicker in it . Each row has a different id ofcourse. Now when Im saving the values of color picker for each row in a loop. I am using this syntax

    $('#tblCUS tbody tr').each(function () {
    color = '#' + $.jPicker.List[0]'ahex');
    Grid+= color + "♥"; 

Which only gives me the value of the first row. and for each loop it is giving me the value of the first picker. How do I get the values of color picker for each row? I have made several google searches and only one syntax is available.

  1. Ater saving when my page gets reloaded the color picker disappears. How do I show my color picker with the values that were saved in the database? Here is my code

<DIV id=divsomeid style="WIDTH: 100%">
<TABLE class=display id=tblsometable style="WIDTH: 100%">
<TH class=Greyheader style="WIDTH: 5%">S.No</TH>

<TH class=Greyheader style="WIDTH: 35%">Color</TH>

<TH class=Greyheader>Action</TH></TR></THEAD>
<TR class=GreyBorder id=tblSBPComments_3 pkid="3">
<TD class=GreyBorder>1</TD>

<TD class=GreyBorder><SPAN class=colorPicker id=clcColor1 value="#00ff00ff"></SPAN></TD>

<TD align=center class=GreyBorder> &nbsp;&nbsp; </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR></DIV>

page load

     $('#tblTable tbody tr .colorPicker').each(function (index) {
              window: {
                  expandable: true,
                  position: {
                      x: 'right', // acceptable values "left", 
  "center", "right", "screenCenter", or relative px value
                      y: 'bottom' // acceptable values "top", 
     "bottom", "center", or relative px value
                  color: {
                      active: $(this).attr('value')




  • Whenever your page gets load you can add active color for all instances of jPicker depending on the value attribute of span tag so that it will show correct colors . i.e :

    $('#tblSBPComments tbody tr .colorPicker').each(function(index) {
          window: {
            expandable: true
          color: {
            active: $(this).attr("value") //setting active color on load

    Then , to save these values in string or array you can use the index of the row which is been iterated and using that get the active color i.e :

     var color = []; //storing value in array
     var SBPCommentsGrid = "";//or in string
     //loop though table
     $('#tblSBPComments tbody tr').each(function(index) {
          color.push('#' + $.jPicker.List[index]'ahex') + "♥"); //push value in array here index will be 0, 1..etc
          SBPCommentsGrid += '#' + $.jPicker.List[index]'ahex') + "♥"; 

    Working Example