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How to compare two data in the same row in Ag Grid?

I'm using Angular and Ag Grid.

I have a contract_start column and and contract_end column (date type) in an Ag Grid table. I want that the contract_end's cell's value can only be changed when the contract_end cell's date is bigger than the contract_start cell's date (in the same row).

I've searched for solutions but unfortunately I've only find information on filtering by date.


  • In your column definition for contract_end, you can specify an "editable" property, which can be either a boolean or a function that returns a boolean.

    You would use the function version. The parameter to the function is an EditableCallbackParams object, documented at

    In the function, you can access the row data, and compare the two column values.

    For instance:

    editable: function(params: EditableCallbackParams): boolean {
       return >;

    Note that I typed this from memory - I haven't tried to compile it - YMMV