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Widening and Boxing Java primitives

Widening and Boxing Java primitives.

I know it is not possible to widen a wrapper class from one to another as they are not from the same inheritence tree. Why though is it not possible to widen a primitive to another primitive type and autobox the widened primitive?

Given that a byte argument can be passed to a method that expects an int, why cant the byte in the following example be widened to an int and then boxed to an Integer?

class ScjpTest{
    static void goInteger(Integer x){
        System.out.println("Going with an Integer");

    static void goInt(int x){
        System.out.println("Going with an int");

    public static void main(String args[]){
        byte b = 5;

In the above example, goInt(b) is accepted by the compiler but goInteger(b) is rejected.


  • Short answer

    The java language only supports some level of carelessness.

    Longer answer

    I believe that autoboxing was added to support developer carelessness. Specifically in situations like this: "I need an Integer as a parmeter to the method I want to call, but I have an int. Somehow, new Integer(int) never pops into my head. Instead, I'll just send an int and the java compiler will do the new Integer() call for me. Thanks java carelessness support group!"

    The folks designing autoboxing were willing to support 1 level of carelessness (int => Integer and back), but were not willing to support auto casting of smaller primitive types to larger primitive types in conjunction with automatic creation and extration from primitive type wrapper classes. I suspect the descision matrix for this would be somewhat larger than the decision matrix for the current autoboxing scheme.