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SetAttribute on a specific position in Javascript

I have the following iframe

<iframe frameborder="0" src="//" class="note-video-clip"></iframe>

When I target iframe through getElementsByTagName like this

let a = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0];
a.setAttribute('allowfullscreen', '');

It returns:

<iframe frameborder="0" src="//" class="note-video-clip" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

It's creating a problem for me because it is not working as expected. When I manually insert allowfullscreen at beginning it's working well.

This is the result I want instead

<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" src="//" class="note-video-clip" ></iframe>

What am I doing wrong?


  • One simple way to add allowfullscreen="" just after the tag name is to modify the outerHTML of the element using string method split and array method splice as in the code below.

    const miFrame = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0];
    // Split the outerHTML string into separate pieces
    // by using a space as the separator
    const miFrameOH = miFrame.outerHTML.split(' ');
    // Using splice(position, deleteCount, itemToAdd),
    // add attribute at index 1
    miFrameOH.splice(1, 0, 'allowfullscreen=""');
    // Join the parts (including the attribute) with a space separator and
    // set this string to the outerHTML
    miFrame.outerHTML = miFrameOH.join(' ');
    <iframe frameborder="0" src="//" class="note-video-clip"></iframe>