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Woocommerce how to exclude the child pages (endpoints) of myaccount from the template redirect hook?

The login-register form has to be shown only like popup, so I've made redirect, to avoid default myaccount page for not logged users.

add_action( 'template_redirect', 'wish_custom_redirect' );
function wish_custom_redirect() {
  global $wp;
  if (!is_user_logged_in() &&  is_page('my-account') ) {
    wp_redirect( '/' );

To view their account page users have to log in or register in popup form. But there is a problem - /my-account/lost-password/, my-account/reset-password/ are children-endpoints of myaccount. They have not to make redirect for non-logged users. I tried to make like that

add_action( 'template_redirect', 'wish_custom_redirect' );
function wish_custom_redirect() {
  global $wp;
  if (!is_user_logged_in() &&  is_page('my-account') &&  !is_page('my-account/lost-password/')  ) {
    wp_redirect( '/' );

But it still redirects. Maybe it's a bad solution at all and there's a better way? Or how to make this redirect correctly?


function auto_redirect_after_logout(){

  wp_redirect( home_url() );

To redirect only on logout helps, but doesn't avoid user to see the default page. They can logout, and then return on the prevous page /myaccount, and see that default register form.


  • There are multiple ways to do this, you could use is_wc_endpoint_url function, or you could use global $wp and its property called request as well.

    Since you've already tried global $wp, then I'll take the same approach.

    Your code would be something like this:

    add_action( 'template_redirect', 'wish_custom_redirect' );
    function wish_custom_redirect() {
      global $wp;
      if (
            ('my-account' == $wp->request)
            ('lost-password' != $wp->request)
        wp_safe_redirect( site_url() );

    It's been tested on woocommerce 5.7 and works fine.

    Related Post:

    For redirecting custom endpoint on my-account page: