I'm wanting to update hundreds (or even thousands) of records at a time with Peewee FlaskDb (which is in an App Factory).
Referencing the Peewee documentation, I have bulk_update
working well (and it is very fast compared to other methods), but it fails when using batches.
For example, Ticket.bulk_update(selected_tickets, fields=[Ticket.customer])
works great, but when I use the following code to update in batches I receive the following error.
with db.atomic():
Ticket.bulk_update(selected_tickets, fields=[Ticket.customer], batch=50)
AttributeError: 'FlaskDB' object has no attribute 'atomic'
What is the recommended way of updating records in bulk with FlaskDB? Does FlaskDB support atomic?
You are trying to access peewee.Database methods on the FlaskDB wrapper class. Those methods do not exist, you need to refer to the underlying Peewee database:
# Here we assume db is a FlaskDB() instance:
peewee_db = db.database
with peewee_db.atomic():